The Sound of Vision Consortium organized an invited session on Human Computer Interactions (HCI) at the 21st International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing which was held October 19th – 21st in Sinaia, Romania. The session was chaired by Runar Unnthorsson (University of Iceland) and Simona Caraiman (Technical University of Iasi), researchers within the Sound of Vision project.
Runar Unnthorsson started the session with with a high level overview of the evolution of human-computer interaction, from a specialty area of computer science focusing on desktop applications for productivity to a field of its own which now includes personal devices, assisstive devices, wearables with sensors, sensory substitution and more. Runar then provided an overview of the Sound of Vision project. The introductory speech was followed with three Sound of Vision paper presentation given by Adrian Burlacu, Paul-Corneliu Herghelegiu and Nicolae Botezatu, all from Iasi’s Technical University.