Sound of Vision present in Romanian media

Authors: Wersényi, György; Répás, József in: Proceedings of the 142nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society Abstract: Head-Related Transfer Functions (HRTFs) are frequently used in virtual audio scene rendering in order to simulate sound sources at different spatial locations. The use of dummy-head HRTFs (also referred as generic sets) is often criticized because of poor localization performance, leading… Continue Reading Comparison of HRTFs from a Dummy-Head Equipped with Hair, Cap, and Glasses in a Virtual Audio Listening Task over Equalized Headphones
DetailsAuthors: Nagy, Hunor; Wersényi, György in: Proceedings of the 142nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society Abstract: Capabilities of the auditory memory system were tested in a serious game application developed for the Android mobile platform. Participants played the well-known game of finding pairs by flipping and remembering objects on cards arranged in a matrix structure. Visual objects… Continue Reading Evaluation of Training to Improve Auditory Memory Capabilities on a Mobile Device Based on a Serious Game Application
DetailsAuthors: Csapo, Adam; Spagnol, Simone; Herrera Martinez, Marcelo; Bujacz, Michal; Janeczek, Maciej; Ivanica, Gabriel; Wersényi, György; Moldoveanu, Alin; Unnthorsson, Runar in: Proceedings of the 142nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society Abstract: This paper focuses on auditory sensory substitution for providing visually impaired users with suitable information in both static scene recognition and dynamic obstacle avoidance. We introduce… Continue Reading Usability and Effectiveness of Auditory Sensory Substitution Models for the Visually Impaired
DetailsAuthors: Kristjánsson Árni, Moldoveanu Alin, Jóhannesson Ómar, Balan Oana, Spagnol Simone, Valgeirsdóttir Vigdís Vala and Unnthorsson Rúnar in: Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, vol. 34, no. 5, pp. 769-787, 2016 Abstract: An exciting possibility for compensating for loss of sensory function is to augment deficient senses by conveying missing information through an intact sense. Here we present an overview… Continue Reading Designing sensory-substitution devices: Principles, pitfalls and potential