Authors: Nicolae Botezatu, Simona Caraiman, Dariusz Rzeszotarski, Pawel Strumillo
in: System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC), 2017 21st International Conference on
Abstract: In this paper we describe the 3D acquisition component integrated in the Sound of Vision (SoV) system. SoV is a computer vision based sensory substitution device (SSD) for the visually impaired. Its main objective is to provide the users with a 3D representation of the environment around them, conveyed by means of the hearing and tactile senses. One of the biggest challenges for the SoV system is to ensure pervasiveness, i.e., to be usable in any indoor or outdoor environments and in any illumination conditions. To this end, the proposed 3D acquisition system was designed based on a fusion of data from different types of sensors. We present the hardware and software solution for developing this acquisition system and provide insight on its exploitation in various computational scenarios of the SoV system. In the first indoor trials with the system, carried out in modeled indoor environments, the visually impaired volunteers were capable of performing simple navigation tasks and avoiding cardboard box obstacles.
Development-of-a-Versatile-Assistive-System-for-the.pdf (704 downloads)