Futuris is a Euronews documentary segment that examines the leading scientific and technological research projects in Europe. The Sound of Vision project is proud to be featured as an innovative research endeavor that aims to restore the independence that is so often lost by blind or low vision people. The main segment of the documentary shows the research efforts undertaken at the University Politehnica of Bucharest and the Grigore Asachi Technical University of Iasi who, together with partners from Iceland, Poland, Hungary and Italy designed, developed and tested the pilot device using a number of blind and low-vision users.
However, successfully proving the pilot device works well does not immediately help those who most need it. There are multiple steps still required to turn this promising device into a product that can actually change the lives of its target group. As a large company with extensive experience in eHealth, it is Info World‘s job to identify and face the challenges that still remain until Sound of Vision is available on shelves – or by the doctor’s orders!
The check out the full documentary on our project, visit https://www.euronews.com/2019/07/22/replacing-white-sticks-with-electronic-devices-new-technologies-for-the-visually-impaired