Dr. Simone Spagnol (University of Iceland) together with his editorial team, Dr Ádam Csapó (Széchenyi István University), Evdokimos Konstantinidis (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki), and Kyriaki Kalimeri (ISI Foundation), coordinated and successfully published a special issue on“Mobile Assistive Technologies” on the Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Journal with impact factor 1.89.
The focus of the special issue was on assistive technologies, such as the Sound of Vision device, which have made important steps in enhancing the quality of everyday life, in terms of autonomy and well-being of individuals in need of assistance and care.
Ranging from physical assistive aids to domotics or even applications that repurpose smartphones to electronic assistive devices, breakthrough technologies are allowing to accomplish everyday tasks or even engage in learning tasks and develop social
skills more easily. This special issue achieved to create a multidisciplinary forum of discussion on recent advances within the fi eld of mobile technology to support individuals of all ages in need of assistance and care.
The journal is published by John Wiley & Sons/Hindawi, is indexed in Thompson Reuters’ Web of Science and is ranked Q3 in Computer Science and Information Systems, Electrical and Electronic Engineering, and Telecommunications. More information is available here.