Authors: Adrian Burlacu, Alexandru Cohal, Simona Caraiman, Daniel Condurache
in: 20th International Conference on System Theory, Control and Computing (ICSTCC 2016) Sinaia, Romania, October 13-15, 2016.
Abstract: The iterative closest point (ICP) problem is very important in multiple fields such as robotics, machine vision, automotive or assistive technologies. The problem is to find the optimal transformation that can align two sets of 3D points. Even if in the recent year new variations of ICP were proposed, the algorithm may get trapped in local minima due to the nonconvexity of the problem. This issue may be overcome if the initial guess is chosen as close as possible to the true solution. In this paper a tensorial based method is proposed for choosing the initial guess of the iterative closest point problem.
Iterative-Closest-Point-Problem.pdf (418 downloads)