Call for participation – ICAD 2016

Project members from Sound of Vision aim to attend the 22nd International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD 2016) ICAD is a highly interdisciplinary academic conference with relevance to researchers, practitioners, musicians, and students interested in the design of sounds to support tasks, improve performance, guide decisions, augment awareness, and enhance experiences. It is unique in… Continue Reading Call for participation – ICAD 2016


Screenshot of sonification tool developed within the project.

Sound Prototyping Tool

The Sound Prototyping Tool is an internal tool created for the Sound of Vision project. It is used for creating and testing different sounds rendering models of custom defined 3D virtual scenes that mimic some of the real world situations visually impaired people might face. The tool is used to perform, save and model various sound tests. It also represents a great base which can be extended for other sound rendering related tasks, like headphone quality testing, HRTF testing, etc.
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White Cane Safety Day Event

On the international “White Cane Safety Day” which is held on October 15 every year, the first Charity Relay Run was organized in Győr, Hungary. Together with our local partners at the blind community, Lions Club and University, the Sound of Vision team used the occasion for distributing our mission, sharing information and establishing new contacts. Registration fees were donated for charity to the blind community. Continue Reading White Cane Safety Day Event


Pedestrian Tracking in Video Sequences: a Particle Filtering Approach

Authors: Mateusz Owczarek, Przemysław Barański and Paweł Strumiłło in: Proceedings of the 2015 Federated Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems. ACSIS, Vol. 5, pages 875–881 (2015) Abstract: In this work we study the methods for pedestrian tracking in video sequences and indicate various applications of these methods ranging from surveillance systems to aiding the visually impaired… Continue Reading Pedestrian Tracking in Video Sequences: a Particle Filtering Approach


Verification of visual odometry algorithms with an OpenGL-based software tool

Authors: Piotr Skulimowski and Pawel Strumillo Abstract: We present a software tool called a stereovision egomotion sequence generator that was developed for testing visual odometry (VO) algorithms. Various approaches to single and multicamera VO algorithms are reviewed first, and then a reference VO algorithm that has served to demonstrate the program’s features is described. The program offers… Continue Reading Verification of visual odometry algorithms with an OpenGL-based software tool


Consortium meeting at the Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, September 22-25, 2015

The second consortium meeting was held at the Institute of Electronics at the Lodz University of Technology and was organized by the Polish consortium partner. The meeting was attended by 32 participants from Iceland, Romania, Italy, Hungary and Poland. The agenda of the meeting was focused on the status reports and action plans for the second work… Continue Reading Consortium meeting at the Lodz University of Technology, Lodz, Poland, September 22-25, 2015


Evaluation of Reaction Times to Sound Stimuli on Mobile Devices

Authors: György Wersényi, Hunor Nagy and Ádám Csapó Abstract: When developing new devices for assistive technology, it is important to consider auditory response times to different kinds of warning and navigational sounds. Perception, processing and action following the presentation of auditory stimuli depends on several parameters, the most important being the stimuli themselves and the method used… Continue Reading Evaluation of Reaction Times to Sound Stimuli on Mobile Devices


Haptic-Auditory Perceptual Feedback Based Training for Improving the Spatial Acoustic Resolution of the Visually Impaired People

Authors: Oana Bălan, Alin Moldoveanu Hunor Nagy, György Wersényi Nicolae Botezatu, Andrei Stan and Robert-Gabriel Lupu Abstract: 3D binaural sounds play an important role in the development of navigational systems for the blind people. The use of generic HRTFs in virtual auditory displays significantly affects the acoustic spatial resolution and the listener’s ability to make localization judgments… Continue Reading Haptic-Auditory Perceptual Feedback Based Training for Improving the Spatial Acoustic Resolution of the Visually Impaired People
